Thursday, February 21, 2013

Junk In Junk Out (Part 3)

     Enough simplistic talking; it is time to get more complex. Carb complex that is! In the last post we discussed how our body’s process simple carbohydrates quickly; and also burns them quickly giving you a short sustainment of energy.  Complex carbohydrates are completely opposite. Our body processes the complex carbs more slowly giving us a longer sustainment of energy.
     The chart above that I got of the website list several foods that are naturally high in complex carbohydrates. These types of foods are the best method for getting your carbs. Unlike the simple carbs, these foods contain other nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein. Generally speaking, people call the simple carbohydrates bad carbs and the complex carbohydrates good carbs. I am always a bit concerned when I hear of someone going on a carb free diet. Your body needs carbs to help create and maintain energy. Instead of omitting carbs completely, try cutting back making sure that the ones you are consuming are of the complex type or from fruit. Remember some simple carbs are ok in moderation (check my last post).
     A little side note, even though honey is considered a simple carbohydrate; it is a preferred sweetener over sugar. Honey has some nutrients in it where sugar does not. If possible try sweetening your food or drink with honey instead of sugar.
     So to bring the “Junk In Junk Out” series to a close, I found a short Youtube video by HealthiNation that does a great job summarizing what we have been talking about. It even gives a few bits of information that I did not touch. Check it out!
     Stay tuned for my next post. Hmmm …since we did a series on the mind, and just finished a series on a nutritional area; can you guess what the next series will be on? Sorry no hints ….just come back next week. However, we are well on our way to reaching our full potential!



  1. Very interesting posts, keep them coming.
    The lifestyle I now follow is pretty simple, I guess I would call it a Paleo type diet. My rationale behind it is that our bodies are not much different than what they were when mankind became what it is now, basically foragers, hunter gatherers. This is the reason I see for there being such malnutrition and overweight problems in the developed world.
    Fact is, our bodies "reward" us for consuming easy energy, so when out in the field, in a world where food was hard to come by, we would seek similar sources. When we eat simple sugars and fats, our bodies reward us with a dose of hormones akin to those released when we take narcotics.This is where the term comfort food comes from, food that release comfort hormones.
    The food industry is a complicated one with many facets, but hopefully blogs like yours, and other information sources can help us weed out anything we really don't need.

  2. For me, my diet is a challenge every day. After years of cutting weight to make weight it took me years to get on top of eating normally. Now the way I look at it is, try to eat good and allow yourself to splurge. I figure if you don't then you'll definitely overdo it when the opportunity comes. Although, I often do think about if I eat junk food then I will be hungry, but if I eat something better it usually sustains my appetite. The tip about honey is good. Might have to try it.

  3. If one mointiors what they eat, weight loss can happen. Add some moderate exerise and you have a winning combination.

  4. really insightful post. I didn't know a lot of this information and its good to see all the information presented. the video is good especially since seems carbs are the type of food most scrutinized in today's world
