Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Final Piece of the Puzzle (Part 3)

         We have discussed why it is important to be fit and the three key elements of getting fit or maintaining your fitness. Let’s talk about something that sooner or later most of us will face as we strive to reach our full potential ….plateau.

From a fitness perspective, it appears that you are just not making any progress no matter how hard you try. A fitness plateau can happen to beginners or even to those who are regulars and consistent in exercising. If you have not experienced a plateau yet, don’t worry you will. Sorry to rain on your parade but it is common and natural for all of us to experience some sort of plateau. It is a way for our body to tell us it is time for a change. 

What causes a plateau? There are many reasons you may experience a plateau. I definitely can’t cover all of them but let’s touch on some common reasons. Why would someone experience a plateau when just starting off or not long into trying to get fit? I would argue that, based on my first two series of my blog, the person was not ready. Reaching your full potential starts with the mind and giving your body the proper fuel before you can physically challenge your body. Perhaps it is not a plateau at all? Remember my last post talked about being realistic and consistent. One approach does not fit all and some people’s bodies take longer to react to change than others.  Another reason for a beginner’s plateau is the simple fact that in the very beginning there is more of an opportunity for the body to make change than later. In other words, for someone who has never properly ate and/or exercised, the results of progress would be sooner once they started then perhaps several weeks later as they get in a routine.

Even though a physical plateau may happen in the beginning, it is more common to happen to someone that has been exercising…I mean “getting fit” for a longer period of time. A common reason for this is because an individual has been doing the same routine for too long of a period of time. What that period of time is depends on the individual. Routines are obviously necessary, however after a certain timeframe the body no longer gets challenged and adapts to the program providing minimal results. This is very common for those who have made fitness part of their lifestyle.  Sometimes taking a break is what your body may need.  Perhaps you may not be giving your body the proper rest to recoup and recover from the consistent shock it has been receiving? A few days off can do wonders for the body for a consistent fitness person.
Now that we discussed what fitness plateau is and some common reasons behind it, next post we will discuss some ideas of addressing it.

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